Thursday, July 28, 2016

Art Circles

I belong to a mixed media textile group and recently we did a mini-workshop about using fabric transfer crayons to create a background for a stitched piece. I decided to do a quick tangle on paper....

And then ironed it on to a piece of  fabric. There was some organza available that had various photos printed on the fabric and I selected one of a sunset and basted it over my piece....

You can see that the tangle image is the mirror of the one done on paper because of the transfer process. I'm planning on adding some simple stitching to make the tangle more visible. It's an experiment but I really fell in love with the photo-transfer on the organza and hope to use that idea in future pieces.

I had so many ideas for last week's Diva Challenge but just never executed any of on to this week. The challenge was to use a string made out of circles and tangle away! I was decided to use a TanglePatterns string that I have admired for a while and kept it pretty basic.

String: TanglePatterns 116
Tangle: Reticulated

Hopefully you've all found someone to "art" with at least virtually. So much inspiration out there!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

One Love, One Heart

After the turmoil over the last week I thought that the challenge posed by Suzanne Fluhr, the Diva's guest blogger, was very timely. The challenge is to give expression to "Give Peace a Chance." As I was thinking about how I would approach the challenge I happened to hear the immortal Bob Marley's song One Love. I am also sort of geekily interested in various map projections. Just as a matter of physics you have to distort something to flatten a globe onto a piece of paper. The Mercator Projection that most of us a familiar with is great for nautical navigation but not so great at accurately representing the actual size of the land masses. The Peters Projection is an accurate representation of the size of each continent but distorts the shapes of those in the tropics more than Europe and North America. I was thinking that it would be cool to have the globe projected in a heart shape...and lo and behold someone out there has already done it! So I used it as a string for my response to the challenge.

Tangles Used: Curl, Amaze, Beadlines, Nekton and BB

"Let's get together and feel all right."

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Architecture of Change

We had a lovely holiday on the 4th, grilling burgers on the patio, watching the fireworks display down the hill from us and sipping our Sangrias. Sadly my camera isn't really up to taking pictures of fireworks but this will give you an idea.

I had to take my car into the shop this week and while walking back to pick it up I had a chance to take a picture of this very interesting wall. I've admired it for years and this was my chance to get a good picture.

There are other elements to the left and right and much of it is blocked by the trees that have gotten large over the years but it is a really intriguing architectural design.

This week's Diva Challenge was to use the flag of your country as an inspiration for a tile. I decided to do a Mandala because I wanted to focus on an image of unity and a prayer for peace. Little did I know how much we would need this during a week of horrific violence.

Tangles Used: Miander, Capell, Diva Dance and Gra-vee

Friday, July 1, 2016

32 1-derful Years!

This was a busy week what with attending a Stitch-N-Pitch event at the SF Giants (baseball for those who don't follow sports), volunteering at the EGA table at the Fair and last but most certainly not least, celebrating our 32nd Anniversary. Where has the time flown? Oh, and my daughter announced that she is engaged!

I didn't get around to posting last week's Diva Challenge which was themed as, "Black and White and Red All Over." It was fun deciding which bits I would add the red to.
Tangles Used: Batumber, NZepple, Tagh, Fission, Star Map

This week's Diva Challenge is to do a remix of an older tile. I choose this tile that I drew in November 2014. I always felt that the foreground needed something distinguish it more from the background.
Original Tile: November 12, 2014
For the new version I drew the Huggins pattern in the background much smaller than on the original tile. I also used a heavier pen for the Trio and more shading (which doesn't necessarily carry through in the scan.) I think this version works better.
Remix Tile
Tangles Used: XYP, Trio, Huggins