Monday, November 24, 2014

Nzepple Unchained - a Diva's Weekly Challenge

The guest blogger this week challenged us to either free a favorite pattern from it's grid or to impose a grid on an otherwise ungridded pattern. I choose to let Nzepple free and had so much fun with it. Here is the page from my sketchbook where I was seeing what could be done.

I had to stop myself from just playing at some point and see what it was like to tangle with these freed forms. After I had done the tangling the tile asked for some color please so I got out my brush tipped markers and here is the result.

Tangles Used: variations of Nzepple

This was a really fun challenge and allowed me to be wild and free! For those of you who live in the US have a blessed Thanksgiving. For everyone else, have a fabulous week and I can't wait to see what everyone else has done with this challenge.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Embracing the Yuck - A Diva's Weekly Challenge

This week's guest blogger at Chez Diva challenged us to embrace the yuck and draw our piece entirely with our non-dominant hand. For me that is my left hand. I am one of those people who can manage to do simple things with my left hand, but never, ever drawing! I found myself going back to basics. Slowing down the pace, using a simple string, rotating the tile, nibbling on  chocolate....

Tangles Used: Festune, Kathy's Dilemma, Fescu, Msst
I enjoyed the process and can imagine doing this to break through an "artist's block."

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ketchup Day and A Diva's Weekly Challenge

No, not National Ketchup Day. That was in June. But it has been a busy couple of weeks since I last posted and want to catch up. So here goes....

First up was an ornament exchange. I had nearly 10 months to stitch this but naturally I left it until the last week. It is done on 32-count (very fine) linen which is also very navy blue and done entirely in Queen Stitch. All of which would have been easier to do eleven years ago when I first took the workshop. Are you sensing a pattern here?

The Queen's Berries by Diane Clements

Next, I wanted to finish my Inktober project. I already knew it was going to be a very busy several weeks because of teaching and kitting for classes so I decided to keep the project manageable and did inchies. Here they are in no particular order:

Inktober 2014

Then there was the above mentioned teaching and kitting plus several family events. And finally, while I wasn't posting I was thinking about the Weekly Challenges and got caught up this week.

Challenge 191 - A Betweed Monotangle

I enjoyed this and thought that the variation I did in the diagonally aligned squares looked a lot like the Queen Stitch.

Tangle Used: Betweed
Challenge 192 - Use My Tangle: Seton by guest blogger Cris Letourneau

I really enjoyed playing with this one and can see all sorts of possibilities. This turned out to be another monotangle with a nod to one of my favorites, Star Map.

Tangle Used: Seton
Challenge 193 - TriTangle: Trio, Huggins, and XYP (THX) by guest blogger Holly Atwater.

I have practiced Trio and XYP in the past but have never used them on a tile. I really enjoyed the result and will definitely use them more in the future.

Tangles Used: Trio, Huggins, and XYP

Well, I think that has me all caught up. I have kitted the last kits for this year and will teach my last class of 2014 tomorrow. Of course, a group contacted me this morning for a class next year, and another group wants me to design them a snowman...until next time!