Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day, Flowers, and More

I had a lovely Mother's Day. My son wired me flowers and my daughter took me out for afternoon tea. Gone are the days of runny eggs and weak tea served on a tray in bed but the love is the same <sniff>.

Here is another step along the way as I progress along my path (obsession) with finishing the projects in One Zentangle a Day. This project was to make a monoprint of a tangle using watercolor crayons and then further develop it by adding detail in ink after the print dried. The first tile is the initial print and the second is a ghost print. It was fun but I must remember not to use micron pens on top of crayon! I have had a difficult time getting the pen unclogged again.

The Diva Challenge this week was to use Dex and Bunzo in a duotangle (these two tangles and no others). Bunzo was new to me so first I had to practice that and then I came up with a design that took a couple of evenings of TV to complete. But here it is in all of it's wriggly glory....

And I should mention that after last week's Brella challenge we did get some rain. Less than 0.1 inch but at least something!


  1. It's a tile really original. i like it.

  2. A Lovely Tile. I like the single Dex element, surrounded by your beautiful Bunzo. Well done, Dorita.

  3. That Bunzo really IS wriggly. mine always come out looking like mussel shells - must try this way of doing them. I like the tile and I'm glad you set me off on a new way of doing things, thanks.

  4. Beautiful Bunzo and one Dex element like a jewel! So lovely idea!

  5. Wow, Bunzo as a border, that's new and beautiful!

  6. Why doesn't anyone warn us to relish the runny eggs and weak tea in bed because all too soon those little ones are grown and gone along with the handmade cards and daily hugs. *sigh*
    Your tile is lovely, as is the sentiment that goes with it.

  7. I like how the shading on your dex so subtly blends from lines into faded gray shadow. So nice! And the curly, active bunzo all around the edges...great stuff!

  8. I really like your Bunzo frame around the single Dex in the middle. It's very well done and your shading on the Dex is superb! Nice take on the challenge. And by the way, I'm glad you got a little bit of rain.
