Monday, October 5, 2015

Getting an Early Start

Having completed last month's Muster Mixer on the very last day of the month I thought I would get started a bit earlier this month. The challenge is to combine the tangles Facade and Crescent Moon into a tangleation. I usually do a sampler of ideas on a single tile but this month the ideas wanted to be on separate tiles.

In addition to the Muster Mixer there was the Diva Challenge this week. This is a first Monday of the month so that means a UMT (Use My Tangle) Challenge. This month's tangle was a really fun one called Tri-bee by Beate Winkler. I used a tile that I made over the weekend using a new stencil and a spritz of soy sauce (see last week's challenge).

Similar tile before tangleing.

Tangles Used: Tri-Bee and Tipple
Huge warning here: The soy sauce does not play well with the finer versions of Micron, Pitt, and Copic multiliner. They either clog or the ink won't flow. I used a Micron 08 to do the above. It worked well but I had some smearing problems after I was about half way done. Not sure if it was the pen or if my hand was damp from washing dishes. Another good reason not to wash dishes!


  1. Very beautiful tiles and your Tri-Bee is done so well.

  2. Love to see your processes with the Muster challenge. Clever to make the circles to puff up. Lovely Tri bee.

  3. Hear Hear! NO dishwashing LOL! It turned out pretty just the same!

  4. Alle are wonderful! Especially I like the second one!

  5. Lovely work! Your Tri-bee tile looks happy :-)

  6. Totally inventive! I came to look at Tri-Bee but am also inspired by your other tiles. I won't be trying soy sauce soon,though, even though yours looks so good.

  7. Very nice tiles! The Muster Mixer was fun, wasn`t it? And your variation of Tri-bee is great.

  8. OMG, I'm still laughing about the soy sauce dilemma (now there's a title for a fun mystery novel, eh?). I do love how your Tri-bee looks on it, though. Perhaps squid ink would have worked better than the micron pen. Of course, then it should have been done on rice paper...OK, Antonine, stop. And...I love your Muster Mixers, especially the second one. I should check out that challenge.

  9. Love your muster mixer tiles. Such variations. I found this one a difficult challenge. Soy sauce! I think I'll steer clear, but beautiful effect.

  10. wow, soy Sauce, yum, but pitty, the microns didn´t like them. I love your Tri-Bee Version. Thank you so much, Dorita. Maybe I find a spot in my next Zentangle book (101 ZIAs), would you like to see your Tri-Bee Tiles there? Just let me know: Happy greetings Beate
