Monday, November 30, 2015

Once There Was a Tree

I had a friend in high school who was fond of reciting The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and it seemed apt for the Diva Challenge this week. The challenge, set by guest blogger Dillip Patel, is to create a tree using a monotangle to help create awareness about planting trees and being good stewards of this marvelous planet we live on,

I think I could get obsessed with this challenge but I chose to do only two.

Tangle Used: Cat-kin

Tangle Used: Pop Cloud

Last week was so busy with classes and Thanksgiving that I never managed to post my Challenge piece. The challenge was to use the tangle Hollibaugh. I couldn't get the idea/pun of holly out of my head so I went with it an created this tangleation (during class, hence the lined paper):

I can't believe November has flown by so quickly. I always look forward to the holidays but they do have a tendency to whiz by. Hopefully we all take a moment to reflect on how we got here and where we plan to head next.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Proper Prior Planning....

It is clear and windy here today with a nip in the air. That must mean it is time to get ready for the big day. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and is carefully prepared for in my home with lists and timelines. I have make ahead versions of several recipes so that I get to enjoy the day with my family and not have to slave away in the kitchen so today was the day to get my first shopping list ready. I'll start shopping on Wednesday and start cooking on Friday.

So today I still have time to enjoy the Diva Challenge. Today's challenge was to use the tangle Tripoli. This is not a tangle I use much. I think because I used to struggle with it. But today we declared a truce and things went pretty well. I decided that the Morning Glories (2) that Helen Williams introduced last week would play well and I wanted to use some sort of color since my art class this semester has been exclusively black and white. At this point even brown feels like lots of color!

Tangles Used: Tripoli and Morning Glories (2)

I also played with the Muster Mixer challenge this weekend. The challenge this month is to combine Nzeppel and Narwal into a tangleation. I confess I found these two tangles hard to combine but I finally did come up with a few different approaches. Here is my sampler:

In closing I would like to say that our prayers and thoughts are with all of those who affected by the terror attacks last week. May peace reign.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Lightning and Thunder and Rain, Oh My!

We are finally getting some rain here in Northern California. My poor, thirsty plants a very happy!

As I hoped, I finished my exchange gift in time for the party (just!) Here are a couple of pictures of the tote bag I made.

Pocket Front
Pocket Back
All done!

Being an exchange of course I received something lovely in return

Scissors Case Front
Scissors Case Back
Sweet Bunny Scissor inside

One down, two to go (exchanges that is). But I may be learning my lesson. The second one is nearly done with three weeks to spare!

The Diva Challenge this week was to intentionally leave a majority of your tile empty. I had been playing with stacks a few weeks back when we did the stone stack challenge
and so I decided to play with that idea today but using Narwal

Tangles Used: Narwal, Flux, and various flourishes
A small rock garden, just right for my patio!

Monday, November 2, 2015

All Souls Day

Wow! Where did October go?! The trick-or-treaters have come and gone and now it is on to holiday preparations. I always look forward to Thanksgiving. All the fun, friends, family, and food without the pressure of gift buying! I do however, still have some exchange projects that need to be finished. I participate in these every year and every year I wonder why I didn't finish up in July and avoid the last minute rush. Next year for!

This week's Diva Challenge was to use the new Zentangle official tangle called Gourdgeous. It took me a few trials to get the hang of it but I think I really like it. I decided to use on of my pumpkin SpringBoards (As Maria says, "How could I not?") I got out my colored pens and found that the only orange ones that would show up on this black paper was the Souffle. But was happy to find that the metallic green worked beautifully. I can't recall ever actually using Sampson on a tile except for the one when I first learned the tangle, but it seemed to fit here. And I'v always thought Festune looked like patty pan squash so here is a nod to the harvest season.

Tangles Used: Gourdgeous, Festune, and Sampson